Life Insurance - Our Family is here to help protect yours.

Life insurance protects the futures of those you leave behind.

  • Family Is Everything

    Family is the cornerstone of our lives, a cherished bond that provides love, support, and a sense of belonging. It encompasses those who share our bloodline as well as those who become part of our chosen family. Family is a source of strength during challenging times and a celebration of joy during moments of triumph. It is where we find understanding, encouragement, and unwavering acceptance. Family is the foundation that shapes our values, traditions, and memories, fostering a sense of connection that lasts a lifetime. Whether big or small, traditional or unconventional, our families are the ones who hold a special place in our hearts and accompany us on the journey of life, creating a tapestry of love and togetherness that we cherish deeply. Picture - Spike and Kay Nordenstrom, Mike’s parents.

  • Life Insurance Protects Their Future

    Life insurance holds tremendous importance as it provides essential financial protection for the future well-being of your loved ones. In the event of an unexpected tragedy, life insurance ensures that your family members are financially secure and can maintain their quality of life. It can cover expenses such as mortgage payments, outstanding debts, education costs, and daily living expenses in the event you may no longer be there to help your spouse provide for them. Life insurance offers peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of and have a financial safety net during a difficult time. It is a selfless act of love and responsibility, offering a lasting legacy of support and protection even after we’re gone.

  • Don't Wish You Had Life Insurance

    The cost of a funeral can vary significantly depending on various factors such as location, specific services chosen, and personal preferences. Funeral expenses typically include items such as the casket or urn, embalming or cremation, funeral home services, transportation, flowers, and cemetery fees. Additional costs may arise for memorial services, obituaries, and catering. On average, a funeral can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. Planning ahead and considering options such as pre-need arrangements or funeral insurance can help alleviate the financial burden for loved ones during an already challenging time. It is important to discuss funeral wishes and explore available options to ensure a meaningful and respectful farewell that aligns with personal and financial considerations. Call us about affordable life insurance plans.

How does life insurance work?

There are several types of life insurance available to meet different needs and goals. Here are some common types that we work with at Family First Insurance Agency:

Term Life Insurance: Provides coverage for a specific period (term), such as 10, 20, or 30 years. It offers a death benefit if the insured passes away within the term but does not build cash value.

Whole Life Insurance: Offers lifelong coverage with a death benefit and a cash value component that grows over time. Premiums are typically higher but remain level throughout the policy.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance: Similar to universal life insurance but with cash value growth tied to the performance of a chosen market index. It offers potential for higher returns but also carries some investment risk.

 Final Expense Insurance: A type of whole life insurance designed to cover funeral and end-of-life expenses. It typically has a smaller death benefit and lower premiums.

 It's important to carefully consider individual needs, financial goals, and personal circumstances when choosing the most suitable type of life insurance. Consulting with a qualified insurance professional can provide valuable guidance in making an informed decision.